Nadchodzi następca popularnego kliknięcia – Tap is a New Click

Każdemu, kogo interesuje nowy trend urządzeń obsługiwanych za pomocą gestów takich jak: iPhone, Wii, wszelkiego rodzaju tablety czy nawet popularne bankomaty (oraz mało używane w Polsce Kiosk-i), zachęcam do obejrzenia prezentacji Dana Saffer’a – „Tap is a New Click”.
Na dobrą sprawę, można by było dodać do tego gesty w przeglądarkach czy czytnikach kart. Można popuścić wodze fantazji. Zapraszam na rewelacyjną porcję wiedzy!
NYC IxDA – Tap is the New Click – Dan Saffer from Interaction Design Association on Vimeo.
Ze strony
„Tap is the New Click”Even though the technology has been around for decades, only now are we starting to see mass production and adoption of touchscreen and gestural devices for the public. Jeff Han’s influential 2006 TED demonstration of his multitouch system, followed by the launches of Nintendo’s Wii, Apple’s iPhone, and Microsoft Surface, have announced a new era of interaction design, one where gestures in space and touches on a screen will be as prominent as pointing and clicking.
But how do you create products for this new paradigm? While most of us know how to design desktop and web applications, what do you need to know to design for interactive gestures?
This introduction to designing gestural interfaces will cover the basics: usability and ergonomics; a brief history of the technology; some elemental patterns of use; prototyping and documenting; and how to communicate that a gestural interface is present to users.
Dan Saffer is an experience design director for Adaptive Path. An international speaker and author, his writing on design has appeared in BusinessWeek and many online publications. His acclaimed book Designing for Interaction: Creating Smart Applications and Clever Devices has been called „a bookshelf must-have for anyone thinking of creating new designs” and has been translated into several languages. His new book on interactive gestures will be published by O’Reilly in October 2008.Dan is a member of the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) and the Interaction Design Association (IxDA). He received his Master of Design in Interaction Design from Carnegie Mellon University.
Dan Saffer
One thought on “Nadchodzi następca popularnego kliknięcia – Tap is a New Click”
A propos interfejsów gestowych (tak to tłumaczyć?) warto wspomnieć, że pod koniec ubiegłego roku wyszła Designing Gestural Interfaces autorstwa Dana Saffera, znanego z wcześniejszego tytułu: „Designing for Interaction” (zresztą mam tą pozycję).